Thursday, December 13, 2012

Man of Steel hits 10 MILLION VIEWS!!!

When I was a kid, I absolutely LOVE getting to the theater early enough to catch all the previews!  Now, I just watch them all on YouTube.  The most recent one was the second trailer for Man of Steel, the Chris-Nolan-produced Superman reboot.

Nolan-branded entertainment is popular right now, thanks to his recently-completed Batman trilogy.  This latest Superman movie trailer got to 10 MILLION views in just three days, which points to an excellent opening next June.  I know I'll be going; will you?

Click "Read More" to view the trailer and continue reading!

<iframe width="280" height="157.5" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

People argue about the legitimacy of using "views" or "Likes" as hard metrics.  After all, clicking a button to show that you've enjoyed something is pretty easy to do.  Getting people to get off the couch and DO something is a lot harder.  But still, there's got to be some value in the number of people that have taken the time, even if briefly, to show their support for something, even if it's just a cat video!

The Marketing Take-away
Don't discount views on YouTube as being irrelevant, even though it's not "hard data."  Since the beginning of television data, people have considered views as the ultimate endorsement for success.  In those days (and still nowadays), you actually only counted a small sample of the population, then generalized the findings to cover the entire United States.

In this regard, YouTube is WAY more accurate.  Clicks can be traced to actual IP addresses, and even though those could be bots racking up "views," it can still be more accurate than sampling.



  1. Thanks for this information Nolan-branded entertainment is popular right now, thanks to his recently-completed Batman trilogy. This latest Superman movie trailer got to 10 MILLION views in just three days, which points to an excellent opening next June
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